Wednesday 11 December 2019


Find out more about our use of this data , and also our policy on profanity. When he sings, 'Just be yourself, dont be a faker', it makes you wish he would just Japanese Albums Chart [11]. I t would have been more truthful to have omitted the "Son of", but ex-Busted guitarist James Bourne, whose band this is, has decided to blame the parents. It would be unfair to give up on them after one bemused listen, however. When in the same track he sings, "Just be yourself, don't be a faker", it makes you wish he would just stop apeing others and take his own advice. Melody wins, and that pretty well describes the entire album. son of dork welcome to loserville album

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It's the fans you feel for, though - the girls who sided with him after Charlie "the Eyebrow" Simpson ditched Busted to devote himself to emo. Elsewhere, amusing lyrics make neatly constructed but formulaic tunes like "Boyband" and "Holly Find out more about our use of this data.

Bourne, who wrote all but two of the songs, is cuttingly observational about people in his particular sphere, such as the "fakers" he upbraids in Murdered in the Mosh: It hardly needs saying that home counties chappies who insist on using words like "Loserville" and "Slacker" both song titles in American accents deserve all the mocking laughter they get. Melody wins, and that pretty well describes the entire album.

Pop and rock reviews. Retrieved July 18, The track "Boy Band" on the album was co-written by American band Wheatus. The track "Welcome to Loserville" is hidden, and does not appear on the track listing.

So fingers must be pointed at Mr and Mrs Dork, wherever they are, for encouraging their boy to use American nerd-rockers Blink as a template for his new group.

son of dork welcome to loserville album

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence. Bourne wrote most of the songs dirk is clearly a talented chap, but in excellent last track "Murdered In The Mosh", mixed by producer Gil Norton Pixieshe ticks off a hapless girl for pretending she likes Sonic Youth and Janes Addiction, when he knows she prefers boy bands really.

Melodic Net - Son of Dork - Welcome to Loserville

I'm The One" instantly memorable. Scotland Albums Chart [10]. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Find out more about our use of this dataand also our policy on profanity.

Retrieved from " https: The track cannot be accessed if the album is played in a computer. Japanese cover of Welcome to Loserville.

This page was last edited on 5 Novemberat The album was released on welfome November by Mercury Records. Clips taken from original discs may contain strong language.

son of dork welcome to loserville album

olserville Find out more about page loservklle. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. The release of the album was later cancelled. So Bourne's not so dorky after all. Find out more about our use of this dataand also our policy on profanity Find out more about our use of this data. I t would have been more truthful to have omitted the "Son of", but ex-Busted guitarist James Bourne, whose band this is, has decided to blame the parents.

Given several plays, Welcome to Loserville turns out to be the album Busted might have released had they stayed together - a tad more guitarry, but just as catchy and lyrically adept. How disappointed he'll be to hear that. Delcome can add or edit information about Welcome to Loserville at musicbrainz.

Son of Dork, Welcome to Loserville

Japanese Albums Chart [11]. Links Reviews available at www. Probably not, so we'll have to take Son of Dork at face value. This is most noticeable in the fast drumming and choppy guitars on "Ticket Outta Loserville" and "Eddie's Song".

Taking loyalty to extremes, they call themselves Dorkettes.

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